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Write down the general plan for indirect order.


 In general, bad news messages follow this general plan.
1.     Begin with buffer that set up the strategy.
2.     Develop the strategy.
3.     Present the bad news as a logical result of the strategy.
4.     End on a positive note.
Begin with buffer that set up the strategy :-
                                                     Indirect messages presenting bad news appropriately begin with a strategic buffer. By buffer we mean a beginning part of the message that is designed to overcome or at least reduce the impact of the negative information that follows. The buffer presents the strategy we select to accomplish this task.
Developing the strategy :-
                                 After opening words have set up our strategy. We continue the buffer with the development of the strategy. Ideally we do this without giving away the negative news that follows. Our buffer should be neutral. Development of strategy should be as logical and convincing.
Present the bad news as a logical result of the strategy :-
                                                            Next, we present the bad news. If we have developed our reasoning convincingly, this bad news should appear as a logical outcome. And we should present it as positively as the situation will permit. Goal is to present truth in a positive way.
End on a positive note :-
                           End with specially adapted goodwill.

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