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Discuss suggestions for non-discriminatory writing.

Suggestion for non-discriminatory writing :
                           By discriminatory words we mean words that do not treat all people equally and with respect. We often use discriminatory words without bad in text. More specifically, they are words that refer negatively to group of people such as by sex, race, nationality, sexual orientation age. The following review of the major forms of discriminatory words should help we achieve this goal.
1.     Use gender neutral words.
2.     Avoid words that stereotype by race, nationality or sexual orientation.
3.     Avoid words that stereotype by age.
4.     Avoid words that type cast those with disabilities.
Use Gender Neutral Words :-
                                   For reasons of fair play and to be in step with today’s society in which gender equally is the goal. We would do well use gender neutral words.
Suggestions for doing this follow.
Masculine pronouns for both sexes :-
                                                   Perhaps the most trouble some sexist words are the masculine. Pronouns (he, his, him) when they are used to refer to both sexes. We can avoid the use of masculine pronouns in such cases in three ways.
First : We can reword the sentence to eliminate the offending words.
Example :-
                Gender Neutral
If a customer pays promptly he is placed on our preferred list.
A customer who pays promptly is placed on our preferred list.

Second : A second way to avoid sexist use of masculine pronouns is to make the reference plural.
Example :-
           It customer pay promptly they are placed on our preferred list.
Third : A third way to avoid sexist use of he, his or him is to substitute any of a number of neutral expressions.
Example :-
          It customer pay promptly he or she is place on our preferred list.
Avoid words that stereotype by race, nationality or sexual orientation:-
                                  Words that stereotype all number of group by race, nationality or sexual orientation are especially unfair and frequently they rain-force stereotypical beliefs about this group words that present members of minorities as executions to stereotypes are also unfair. Eliminate such reference to minorities by treading all people equally and by being sensitive to the effect of our words.
Avoid words that stereotype by age :-
                                    Our sensitivity is not discriminating by sex also should be extended to include discriminating by age against both old and the young. We should see all person are equally. Do not treat old and young.
Avoid words that type cast those with disabilities :-
                                     People with disabilities are likely to be sensitive to discriminatory words.
For example, instead of describing one as dumb. Avoid slang terms with disabilities person.

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