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Explain the need for effect in writing business message.


Effect in writing business message :-

                                               1.Written communication within a business primarily requires clarity.

                                              2.Business writing requires clarity and planned effect. The goodwill effect is valuable to business. One effect we will need to communicate is the goodwill effect. Building goodwill through written messages is good business practice. Wise business leaders know that the success of their business is affected by what people think about the business.

                                              3.Most people enjoy building goodwill. The goodwill effect in messages is not desirable for business reasons alone. It is quite simply, the effect most of us want in our relations with people. They are friendly, courteous things that make relations between people enjoyable.

                                              4.For their success, letters and some email messages often require other effects. We will see that other effects sometimes ensure the success of written messages.
For Example, in writing to persuade a reader to accept an unfavorable decision. We can use the techniques of persuasion.

                                             5.Getting the desired effects is a matter of writing skill and of understanding people. Getting such effects in messages is largely a matter of skillful writing and of understanding how people respond to words. It involves keeping certain attitudes in mind and using certain writing techniques to work them into your documents.

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