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What is courtesy? How can maintain courtesy in business communication. OR, Explain the techniques of achieving courtesy.

            By courtesy we mean treating people with respect and friendly human concern. A major contributor to goodwill in business documents is courtesy. Developing courtesy in a message involves a variety of specific technique. First it involves the three discussed previously writing in conversational language, employing the you-viewpoint and choosing words for positive effect. It also involves other techniques.
i.                    Single out our reader (write for the one person)
ii.                  Avoid preaching
iii.               Avoid displays of anger.
iv.                Be sincere
Single out our reader :-
                            One of the technique is to single out and write directly to our reader. This means writing for the one situation.
Avoid preaching :-
                         The effect of courtesy is helped by not preaching. Preaching is usually not intended. It often occurs when the writer is trying to convince the readers.
Avoid displays of anger :-
                             It destroys goodwill. The effect of angry words is to make the reader angry with both writer and readers angry, the two are not likely to get together or whatever. The message is use angry words.
Be sincere :-
                         Efforts to be courteous must be sincere. Sincerity results from believing in the technique of courtesy.

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