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What do you mean by cluttering phrase and surplus words.


Cluttering phrase :-
                       An often used uneconomical wording is the cluttering phrases. Avoid cluttering phrases substitute shorten expressions.

Here is an example of a cluttering phrase :
                                                In the event that payment is not made by January. Operations will cease. The phrase in the event that is uneconomical. The little word if can substitute for it  without loss of meaning.
If payment is not made by January, operations will cease. We probably use many cluttering phrases.

    Cluttering Phrase
  Shorten Substitution
At the present time
For the reason that
On the occasion of

Surplus Words :-
                  To write economically eliminate surplus words.

Here is as example of a surplus words :
                                         His performance was good enough to enable him to qualify for the promotion. The words to enable add nothing and can be dropped.
His performance was good enough to qualify for the promotion. The surplus words can be eliminated without changing the meaning.
     Contain surplus words
   Eliminates surplus words
There are four rules that should be observed.
Four rules should be observed

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