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Discuss four major techniques for emphasis in writing. OR, Describe the role of emphasis in communication.


The Role of Emphasis :-
                             A part of our job as a writer is to determine the importance of each item and to give each item the emphasis getting desired effects in writing effect involves giving proper emphasis to the items in the message. Every message contain a number of facts ideas and so on that must be presented. Some of these items are more important than others.
There are four basic emphasis techniques :
i.                    Emphasis by position
ii.                  Space and emphasis
iii.               Sentence structure and emphasis
iv.                Mechanical means of emphasis
Emphasis by position :-
                         The beginnings and endings of a writing unit carry more emphasis than the center parts. Positions determine the emphasis technique. Some authorities think that the reader’s fresh mental energy explain beginning emphasis. Some way that the last parts stand out because they are the most recent in the reader’s mind. Our organizational plan should place the points we want to stand out in these beginning and endings position.
Space and emphasis :-
                       The more space a topic is given the more emphasis the topic receivers.
Sentence structure and emphasis :-
                             Sentence structure determines emphasis shot, simple sentences emphasize content, long involved ones do not.
Mechanical means of emphasis :-
                     By mechanical device we mean any of the things that we can do physically to give the printed word emphasis. The most common of these devices are the under score, quotation marks italic, bold face type and solid capital.

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