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Discuss four major techniques for coherence in writing. OR, Write documents that flow smoothly through the use of logical order helped by the four major transitional devices.

            Presenting information in logical order helps coherence, message should be coherent. The relationship of ports should be clear.
Four major techniques are given below :
i.                    Tie in sentence
ii.                  Repetition of keywords
iii.               Use of pronoun
iv.                Transitional words
Tie in sentence :-
                    Sentence can be design to tie togethers succeeding order.
Repetition of keywords :-
                    By repeating keywords from one sentence to another sentence. We can make smooth connection of successive idea.
Use of pronoun :-
                   Pronoun connect with the words they make both transition between idea. Especially use the demonstrating pronoun (these, that, those).
Transitional words :-
                     We use everyday conversation. We connect many with transitional words. Transitional words are in addition, besides, in spite of, in contrast.

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