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Explain conversational style that eliminates the old language of business.

                     By conversational language, we mean language that resembles conversation. It is warm and natural. Such language leaves an impression that people like. It is also the language we use most and understand best. Because it is easily understood, it is good business etiquette to use it.
i.                    Resisting the tendency to be formal
ii.                  Cutting out “Rubber stamps”
Resisting the tendency to be formal :-
                                                 Writing conversationally is not as easy as you might think, because most of us tend to write formally. Instead of writing in friendly, conversational language. We write in stiff and stilted words.
Example :-
Stiff and Dull :  Reference is made to your may 7 email, in which you describe the approved procedure for initiating a claim.
Conversational :  Please refer to your 7 may email, in which you tell how to file a claim.
Cutting out “Rubber Stamps” :-
                                              Rubber stamps are expressions used by habit every time a certain type of situation occurs. They are used without thought and do not fit the present situation exclusively. As the term indicates, they are used much as you would use a rubber stamp.

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