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Explain the process of writing business message. OR, A model of the writing process.

Following is a review of the process of writing :
Planning the message :-
                        A message 1st step in writing a business message involves planning. This is the pre-writing stage. Then determine the objective of the message. Next we predict the reader’s likely relation to our objective, the reaction will be positive or negative.
Gathering and collecting the facts :-
                      After planning assemble all the information we will need. In a business situations, this means finding past correspondence; consulting with other employees, getting sales records. Product description and inventory records.
Analyzing and organizing information :-
                   If we predict the reader will react to our message positively or even neutrally, we will usually organize the message in a direct plan. We simply start with the objective. This plan commonly called the direct order. If we predict that our message will produce a negative reaction. We should usually write it in indirect order. Use indirect order for unfavorable reaction.
Writing the message :-
                      With our plan in mind we write the message. We should write in the clear and effective manner choosing words the reader words stands consulting sentence that present their contents clearly.
Rewriting our work :-
                       After completing our first draft. We should review it carefully.
Editing and presenting the final Document :-
                     This final message is the best we our capable of writing and we have learned in the process of writing it.

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