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State the contents of the prefatory parts of a long report.

The prefatory section of the long, formal report consists of these conventional parts :

Title fly :-
              A page displaying only the title.
i.                    As a checklist for constructing the title use the 5 Ws (who, what, where, when, why).
ii.                  Sometimes how is important.

Title page :-
            A page displaying the title, identification of writer and recipient and date.

Authorization message :-
                            Included only when a message authorized the report.

Transmittal message:-
                             A message transmitting the report.
i.                    This part takes the place of a face to face presentation.
ii.                  Begin it with a presentation of the report.
iii.               Include comments about the report we would have made in a face to face presentation.
iv.                In some cases we may combine it with the executive summary.
v.                  Write the message in personal style.

Table of contents, list of illustrations :-
                          A listing of the report parts and illustrations with page numbers.

Executive summary :-
                          The report in miniature.
i.                    Include in proportion, everything that is important all the major facts, analyses and conclusions.
ii.                  Write it in either direct or indirect order.

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