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Discuss tact and courtesy in refusals of request.


1.Determine which situations require using the indirect order for the most effective response :
                         When the main point of our message is bad news, use the indirect order.
i.                     But exceptions exist, as when we believe that the news will be received routinely.
ii.                   Make exceptions also when we think the reader will appreciate directness.
2.Write indirect order messages following the general plan :
                      In general, bad news messages follow this general plan.
i.                    Begin with a buffer that sets up the strategy.
ii.                  Develop the strategy.
iii.               Present the bad news as a logical result of the strategy.
iv.                End on a positive note.
3.Use tact and courtesy in refusals of requests :
                      The refusal of a result is one bad news situation that you will probably choose to treat indirectly.
                      i.          In such situations, strive to achieve two main goals.
                             -> To refuse and
                                                   -> to maintain goodwill.
                      ii.          Begin by thinking through the problem, looking for a logical explanation.
iii.                  Write an opening that sets up this explanation.
iv.                  Refuse clearly yet positively.
v.                    Close with appropriate, friendly talk that does  not recall the bad news.
4.Write adjustment refusals that minimize the negative and overcome bad impressions :
                                Refusals of adjustment follow a similar pattern.
i.                    First determine our explanation for refusing.
ii.                  Begin with neutral words that set up our reasoning and do not give away the refusal.
iii.               Then present our reasoning, building our case convincingly.
iv.                Refuse clearly and positively.
v.                  Close with appropriate friendly talk that does not recall the refusal.
5.Compose tactful, yet clear, credit refusals that foster goodwill :
                                                                                       Messages refusing credit are more negative than most other types of refusals, for the refusal is tied to personal things.
i.                    As with other types of refusals, begin by thinking through a strategy.
ii.                  If we are refusing because of the applicant’s bad credit character, use a roundabout approach.
iii.               To the bad moral risk, imply the facts rather than stating them bluntly.
iv.                In either case, choose opening words that set up our strategy, are neutral and tie in with the request being answered.
v.                  In refusals because of weak finances, look hopefully to credit in the future.

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