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Discuss the main form of communication in the business organization.

1.Internal Operational Communication :-
                                     Internal operational the communicating done in conducting work with in a business . This is the business’s workers that is done to implement the business’s operating plan . By operating plan we mean the procedure that the business developed to do what ever it was formed to do manufacture product and provide a service . It include reports that workers prepare concerning sales, production, finance, maintain etc .It also include the email messages that workers write in carrying out their assignments.
2.External Operational Communication :-
                                       External operational work related communication with people outside the business . This is the business’s communication with its publics suppliers, service, customers and general public .External operational communication includes all of the business efforts as direct selling ,telephoning, advertising and writing message. The importance of external operational communication to a business hardly requires supporting comment.
3.Personal Communication :-
                                  Personal communication is the exchange of information and feeling in which we human beings engage whenever we can come together .We will communication, we are social animals ,we have a need to communicate .Personal communication also occurs in the work place and it is a part of the communication activity of any business .The extent of personal communication permitted effects employee attitudes.

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