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Discuss two ways of short sentence achieved.


Short sentence are achieved in two ways.
                                          1.Limiting sentence content
                                          2. Economizing on words
Limiting Sentence Content :-
                                         Limiting content is one way to make short sentence.  Limiting sentence content is largely a matter of mentally selecting thought units and making separate sentence most of them.The advantage of limiting sentence content is evident from the following contrasting example.

              Long Word

               Short Word
The acceded to the proposition to terminate business.
They agreed to quit business.

Economizing On Words :-
                                Another way to shorten sentence is through word economy. Economizing on words generally means seeking shorter ways of saying thing.
Following are some suggestion :-
i.                    Cluttering phrase
ii.                  Surplus words
iii.               Roundabout constructions
iv.                Unnecessary repetition on words or ideas

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