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Describe design in paragraph.


Paragraph Design :-
                    Paragraphing is also important to clear communication. Paragraphs show the reader where topics begin and end. Thus helping organize information in the reader’s mind.
The best we can do is give the following points on paragraph structure :
                                        1.Give the paragraphs unity
                                        2.Keep the paragraphs short
                                        3.Use topic sentence effectively
                                        4.Leaving out unnecessary detail
                                        5.Giving the paragraph movement.
Give the paragraphs unity :-
                                Unity means that a paragraph builds around a single topic or idea. Thus everything we include in a paragraph should develop this topic or idea. Unity is not always easy to determine. As all of a message or a report may concern a single topic. One could say that the whole message or report paper.
Keep the paragraphs short :-
                                As a general rule, we should keep our paragraph short, short paragraphs show organization better than long ones. Most readers to read short paragraph. About eight lines is a good average length. A good rule to follow is to question the unity of all long paragraph say those longer than 2 lines.
Use topic sentence effectively :-
                                 Topic sentences can help make good paragraph. But not every paragraph must have a topic sentence. Placement of the topic sentence depend on the writers plan. The most common paragraph arrangement begin with the topic sentence and continuous with the supporting material. The second most common paragraph arrangement places the topic sentence at the end.
Leaving out unnecessary detail :-
                              We should include in our paragraph only the information needed. The chances are that we have more information that the readers need. Thus a part of our communication task is to select .What we need and discard what we do not need.
Giving the paragraph movement :-
                                   Each paragraph should move on additional step toward the goal. Movement is the writing quality that takes the reader toward the goal is define and logical step. The sentence move step by step to reach. The paragraph goal and the paragraph move step by step to reach the over-all goal.

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