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Describe the principles of feedback.


Principles of feedback :- Since feedback is essential component in the communication process it needs to be effective. Some principle of effective feedback are as follows :

1.Descriptive or detail :- As description feedback is more effective, it is more acceptable.
Here the receiver can express his opinion to the sender /  communicator. As a result the communicator can understand the consequences of the communication.

2.Specific and clear :- Feedback must be clear and specific.

3.Rapidity :- Feedback should be given rapidly.

4.Information :- Feedback may come both formal and informal way.

5.Brevity :- Feedback should be brief in nature. It must be simple, concise and complete.

6.Relevance :- Feedback should be relevance to the content.

7.Use  of present tense :- Present tense ensure clear and clarification with sender & receiver.

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